Her Pen At Midnight

Essays • Musings • Stories

  • Someone Forgot To Pray: Part Three

    Hot coffee burns my tongue as I stare at the large bouquet. Its overpriced, yet simple, elegance is out of place amongst the backdrop of the home’s normalcy and secondhand shit. I know you’ll hate this. That’s why I’m sending it. Be there soon with tequila, the small card, printed in generic font, jettying from…

  • Take Me To Church: Part Two

    My aunt always told me religion was my problem. A lack of one, more specifically. Annabelle was opinionated about everything. She enjoyed cigarettes, free booze, and men who supplied both. One month a democrat, most months a lunatic, she was forever selling out, allowing whichever man to sway her mind. Annabelle had a reputation. An…

  • Mommy Dearest is Such an Overused Term: Part One

    My mother is one of those fucked up fools everyone talks about behind their back. My father, unaware of my existence, left before my mother missed her first period. He made a brief reappearance when she was four months along, supplying her hormonal body with useless sperm and menthol cigarettes. He left for good after…